Event Start


The Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF) is a scientific event that has been held annually since 1998. The 27th edition of SBMF will take place in 2024 in Vitória, the capital of Espírito Santo. SBMF courses and lectures are dedicated to disseminating recent advances in the field of formal methods. The technical sessions of SBMF foresee the presentation of unpublished works that make clear and significant contributions to the state of the art in the theory and practice of formal methods.

The main topics discussed at SBMF include:
Formal aspects of specification languages and theoretical foundations, such as the development of new domain-specific languages, the formalization of existing languages, and the study of the foundations of software engineering. Formal aspects of systems development, such as the application of formal methods to the development of cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, and software-intensive systems. Verification and validation, such as the formal verification of the correctness of software systems, the model checking of the requirements of software systems, and the fuzz testing of software systems. Formal verification of neural networks, such as the application of formal methods to the verification of the correctness of deep learning models. Self-formalization and formal aspects in practice, such as the automation of formal methods, the use of formal methods in industrial settings, and the teaching of formal methods.

Previous SBMF proceedings on https://link.springer.com/conference/sbmf

Special Talks

Invited Speakers

Prof. Dr. Julien Deantoni

Prof. Dr. Julien Deantoni

Université Côte d'Azur

Software Language Engineering Towards Formal Systems Engineering: a Journey

About the speaker: Julien Deantoni is a Professor at the Université Côte d'Azur and a researcher with the I3S/INRIA KAIROS team. His research focuses on the development of domain-specific languages (DSLs), particularly in the context of modeling and simulation of complex systems, behavioral semantics, and concurrent system coordination. He has contributed significantly to the development of tools such as TimeSquare, which allows for the specification and analysis of logical time constraints using the Clock Constraint Specification Language (CCSL). Julien has led various European and national research projects, including work on co-simulation frameworks for cyber-physical systems. His teaching covers a wide range of topics, including finite state machines, C++ programming, and embedded systems.

Prof. Dr. Marcel Oliveira

Prof. Dr. Marcel Oliveira

Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Evanesco: Hiding Formal Methods from Muggles while Ensuring System Correctness

About the speaker: Marcel Vinicius Medeiros Oliveira is a Full Professor at the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of York, England, and specializes in Formal Methods, with research focusing on refinement calculus, concurrency, formal language semantics, and code synthesis from formal specifications. Marcel is also a member of various academic committees, including the National Institute for Software Engineering, and serves as Coordinator of Technical Courses at UFRN’s Digital Metropolis Institute. His teaching covers Databases, Logic Applied to Software Engineering, and Formal Methods.

Prof. Dr. Philipp Rümmer

Prof. Dr. Philipp Rümmer

University of Regensburg

Verification by Program Transformation

In deductive verification and software model checking, dealing with certain language constructs can be problematic when the back-end solver is not sufficiently powerful or lacks the required theories. This applies, in particular, to the concept of extended quantifiers found in specification languages like JML and ACSL. Extended quantifiers can be used to compute, among others, the maximum element or the sum of elements of an array and are frequently used in specifications, but tend to be difficult to support in verification tools. In the talk, I will present our ongoing research on how to automatically transform programs with such complicated operators to equivalent programs not containing the operators, and to reason about the correctness of those simpler programs instead. We apply our framework to cover the different kinds of extended quantifiers, which we formalize as monoid homomorphisms. Our approach is generic, however, and can be applied to describe a wide range of program transformations. The presentation is based on joint work with Jesper Amilon, Zafer Esen, Dilian Gurov, Christian Lidström, Marten Voorberg.

Industrial Talks

The line up of Industrial Talks will be available soon.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline†‡ 18th August, 2024  5th July, 2024
Acceptance notice 23th September, 2024  6th September, 2024
Camera-ready copy deadline 13th October, 2024  11th October, 2024
SBMF 2024 4th—6th December, 2024

All deadlines are until midnight of the specified date Anywhere on Earth (AoE).
This is the final submission deadline and there will be no further extensions.


Registration is on!

It is recommended to carefully read the information below to know the conditions and deadlines related to the registration. All registration fees are in Brazilian reais (R$/BRL).

DatesCategorySBMFSBMF + SBC membership
12/Aug - 29/SepUndergraduate Student – SBC MemberR$ 63,00R$ 94,00
Undergraduate Student – non SBC MemberR$ 101,00R$ 94,00
Graduate Student – SBC MemberR$ 118,00R$ 243,00
Graduate Student – non SBC MemberR$ 255,00R$ 243,00
Basic Education Teacher – SBC MemberR$ 165,00R$ 290,00
Basic Education Teacher – non SBC MemberR$ 307,00R$ 290,00
Professional – SBC MemberR$ 211,00R$ 567,00
Professional – non SBC MemberR$ 589,00R$ 567,00
30/Sep - 03/NovUndergraduate Student – SBC MemberR$ 88,00R$ 119,00
Undergraduate Student – non SBC MemberR$ 128,00R$ 119,00
Graduate Student – SBC MemberR$ 134,00R$ 259,00
Graduate Student – non SBC MemberR$ 273,00R$ 259,00
Basic Education Teacher – SBC MemberR$ 180,00R$ 305,00
Basic Education Teacher – non SBC MemberR$ 323,00R$ 305,00
Professional – SBC MemberR$ 227,00R$ 583,00
Professional – non SBC MemberR$ 606,00R$ 583,00
04/Nov - 06/DecUndergraduate Student – SBC MemberR$ 103,00R$ 134,00
Undergraduate Student – non SBC MemberR$ 145,00R$ 134,00
Graduate Student – SBC MemberR$ 149,00R$ 274,00
Graduate Student – non SBC MemberR$ 289,00R$ 274,00
Basic Education Teacher – SBC MemberR$ 196,00R$ 321,00
Basic Education Teacher – non SBC MemberR$ 341,00R$ 321,00
Professional – SBC MemberR$ 237,00R$ 593,00
Professional – non SBC MemberR$ 617,00R$ 593,00

Non-SBC members or members with an annual fee that is about to expire can join or renew their membership along with their registration, choosing the COMBO categories with a discount on the registration fee.

The COMBO categories are the most advantageous option for non-SBC members, as the registration fees are lower than the categories without combo and include SBC membership.

Visit the SBC website and see why you should become a member.

Becoming a member of SBC is a way to make SBC even stronger to represent our area of work with the various sectors. How about becoming part of our Community?

Some exclusive member benefits:

  • Access to the Eduroam wireless network;
  • Discount on enrollments in the more than 40 events held annually by SBC;
  • Differential enrollment fee in POSCOMP;
  • Access to studies conducted by SBC and intended for public or private agencies, expressing the Society's political positions.

Payment of enrollments can be made by means of bank slip, credit card, debit in Banco do Brasil account, purchase order or invoice.

Enrollments can be made until the last day of the event, however payments by debit and bill will be accepted until 2nd of December.

Enrollments by purchase order or invoice:

The participant must access the enrollment system and register, selecting the payment method "purchase order" or "invoice" and clicking on pay. The system will provide the information necessary for the enrollment to be confirmed.

Registration for SBMF authors. Papers accepted to SBMF will be published in a volume of LNCS. At least one author (professional or student) of each accepted paper must be registered for SBMF 2024. Authors can not use the registration benefits (exemption or 50% discount) granted by SBC to affiliated institutions. The author registration must be paid until November 11th, 2024.


Organizing Committee

General Chair:

Steering Committee

Program Committee

Program Chairs:


Submission instructions

We invite submissions of papers with a strong emphasis on formal methods, whether practical or theoretical, in the following categories:

  • Regular papers (limit of 15 pages). Proofs of theoretical results that do not fit the page limit may be provided in an appendix.
  • Short papers (limit of 8 pages). Short papers include system descriptions, user experiences, and case studies. We encourage authors to make the data needed to reproduce their experiments available.

The page limits exclude references and appendices.

Contributions should not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. They should be written in English, and prepared using Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format. Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are available in Overleaf. More information is available at the following link: https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines

Papers should present unpublished and original work that has a clear contribution to the state-of-the-art on the theory and practice of formal methods. Papers will be judged by at least three reviewers on the basis of originality, relevance, technical soundness and presentation quality and should contain sound theoretical or practical results. Industry papers should emphasize the practical application of formal methods or report on open challenges.

Submissions should be made via this link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sbmf2024

Accepted Papers

Session 1: Formal Analysis and Verification in Temporal and Symbolic Systems

Session Chair: TBD

  • On the Existence of Unions of Timed Scenarios
    Neda Saeedloei
  • [short paper] SMTQuery: Analysing SMT-LIB String Benchmarks
    Mitja Kulczynski, Kevin Lotz, Florin Manea, Danny Bøgsted Poulsen, Paul Sarnighausen-Cahn
  • [short paper] Autonomous Vehicles Path Planning under Temporal Logic Specifications
    Akshay Dhonthi Ramesh Babu, Nicolas Schischka, Ernst Moritz Hahn, Vahid Hashemi

Session 2: Formal Semantics and Verification of UML Models

Session Chair: TBD

  • A CSP semantics for UML state machines aiming at hidden formal methods verification
    Diego Ferreira, Lucas Lima
  • Verifying integrated designs of UML state machines and activities using CSP
    Diego Ferreira, Lucas Lima
  • An integrated framework for analysing simulating and testing UML models
    Gustavo Carvalho, José Dihego, Augusto Sampaio

Session 3: Formal Verification and Proof Techniques in Algorithms and Logics

Session Chair: TBD

  • Computer-Assisted Proof of Brzozowski’s Algorithm
    Filipe Ramos, Karina Roggia, Rafael Castro G. Silva
  • Soundness-Preserving Fusion of Modal Logics in Coq
    Miguel A. Nunes, Karina Girardi Roggia, Paulo Henrique Torrens
  • [short paper] Formally Verified Implementation of the K-Nearest Neighbors Classification Algorithm
    Bernny Velasquez, Jessica Herring, Nadeem Hamid

Session 4: Formal Methods for Security and Privacy

Session Chair: TBD

  • Formal Verification of Forward Secrecy and Post-Compromise Security for TreeKEM
    Alexander Washburn, Subash Shankar
  • Formal Privacy Analyses for Open Banking
    Luigi D. C. Soares, Natasha Fernandes, Mário S. Alvim, Yin Liao, Di Bu
  • [short paper] Trusted Deployer: A Tool for Verification, Safe Creation and Upgrades of Ethereum Smart Contracts
    Juliandson Ferreira, Pedro Antonino, Augusto Sampaio, A.W. Roscoe, Filipe Arruda

Presentation Durations:

  • Regular Paper: 25 minutes presentation, 5 minutes for questions
  • Short Paper: 15 minutes presentation, 5 minutes for questions


Ifes Serra, Entrance hall
Innovation City, Entrance hall
Innovation City, Entrance hall
Innovation City, Entrance hall
09:00ETMF Opening Cerimony
Ifes Serra, Auditorium
Poster Session / Meet and Greet
Innovation City, Entrance hall
Keynote 2
Innovation City, Conference room
Keynote 3
Innovation City, Conference room
09:30ETMF – Minicourse 1
Ifes Serra, Block 9/Lab. 903
10:00Coffee Break
Innovation City, Living area
10:30Coffee Break
Ifes Serra, Block 9 living area
BSB Keynote
Innovation City, Conference room
To be confirmed.
Coffee Break
Innovation City, Living area
Coffee Break
Innovation City, Living area
11:00ETMF – Minicourse 1
Ifes Serra, Block 9/Lab. 903
Technical Session #2
Innovation City, Conference room
Industrial Talk
Innovation City, Conference room
Innovation City, Entrance hall
14:00SBMF Opening Cerimony
Innovation City, Conference room
14:30ETMF – Minicourse 2
Ifes Serra, Block 9/Lab. 903
Keynote 1
Innovation City, Conference room
Technical Session #3
Innovation City, Conference room
Technical Session #4
Innovation City, Conference room
16:00Coffee Break
Ifes Serra, Block 9 living area
Coffee Break
Innovation City, Living area
Coffee Break
Innovation City, Living area
SBMF Closing Cerimony
Innovation City, Conference room
16:30ETMF – Minicourse 3
Ifes Serra, Block 9/Lab. 903
Technical Session #1
Innovation City, Conference room
Discussion Panel
Innovation City, Conference room
17:30ETMF Closing Cerimony
Ifes Serra, Auditorium
CEFM Meeting
Innovation City, Conference room
20:00Conference Dinner


Vitória, the capital of Espírito Santo, located in the Southeast region of Brazil, is known for its beautiful beaches, historical heritage, and strong economy. The city is a major financial, corporate, research, technology, entertainment, and commercial center in Brazil. Situated on an island, Vitória is famous for the combination of its natural beauty with a vibrant urban life.
Hosting the 27th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF 2024) is the Graduate Program in Applied Computing (PPComp) at the Serra Campus of the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (Ifes). Ifes is known for its excellence in technical and higher education, offering a wide range of programs across various fields of knowledge. PPComp, in particular, stands out for its contribution to research and innovation in the field of Applied Computing, being a pillar in the training of highly qualified professionals and in conducting research that meets the contemporary demands of society and the market.
Launched in 2019, PPComp is a young program that actively seeks to consolidate itself as a center of excellence in its area. With a firm commitment to the quality of education and research, the program is committed to significantly contributing to the advancement of applied computing, developing a solid foundation to become a benchmark in the future, both regionally and nationally. Moreover, the program's faculty have been actively collaborating with local companies on research and technological development projects, strengthening the bridge between academia and the industrial sector, and contributing to the region's economic and technological development.

Event Location

The 27th SBMF will be hosted at the "Cidade da Inovação" (Innovation City) of Ifes, a hub designed to foster transformative solutions for sustainable development through collaboration with governmental bodies, the industrial sector, and civil society. Situated in the Jardim da Penha neighborhood of Vitória, in the premises formerly known as the IBC Sheds, this space now houses the Vitória Innovation Hub (PEIF-IFES), focusing on research and innovation in metallurgy, materials, and AI, alongside the regional office of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI).

The ambition is for this location to not only serve as a physical site for innovation and collaboration but to also act as a platform connecting the Ifes community, local society, and the productive sector globally.


Here are some hotel recommendations in the city of Vitória, catering to various preferences. For attendees seeking convenience, there are accommodations near the "Cidade da Inovação". For those looking for value, several budget-friendly options are available throughout the city.

Location-based choices

ibis Vitoria Praia de Camburi
Av. Dante Michelini, 791 - Praia De Camburi, Vitória - ES, 29060-235
Telefone: +55 (27) 3203-5450

Vitória Praia Hotel
Av. Dante Michelini, 1057 - Jardim da Penha, Vitória - ES, 29060-235
Telefone: +55 (27) 3010-5500

Hotel Sol da Praia
Av. Dante Michelini, 877 - Jardim da Penha, Vitória - ES, 29065-050
Telefone: +55 (27) 2127-1500

Alameda Vitória Hotel
Av. Dante Michelini, 585 - Jardim da Penha, Vitória - ES, 29060-235
Telefone: +55 (27) 3204-6600

Trade-offs-based choices

Ibis Budget Vitoria
Av. Nossa Sra. da Penha, 1993 - Bela Vista, Vitória - ES, 29056-075
Telefone: +55 (27) 3205-6155

Hotel Minuano
Avenida Dantas Micheline, 337 - Camburi, Vitória - ES, 29060-235
Telefone: +55 (27) 2121-7877

Ibis Vitoria Aeroporto
BR-101, Km 2 - S/2 - Bairro Carapina, Serra - ES, 29161-793
Telefone: +55 (27) 3041-4900

Host and co-host organizers